Former Ibrox gaffer Ally McCoist has blamed Celtic fans ‘playing to the galleries’ for the latest administration talk around the troubled club.
It broke earlier this week by popular investigative journalist Phil MacGiollaBhain that the Ibrox club has reportedly been getting their ‘ducks in a row’ with regards to a potential administration event.Â
However. McCoist denies that anything of that nature is going on and blamed pesky Celtic fans for having to answer the question of administration on Talksport.
“That’s the Celtic division.” The avid gardner explained.
“They’ve played to the gallery and you’ve just played right back. Everything’s fine at the moment.
“I’m telling you right now, I can reassure you the Rangers lads are over in Florida preparing for the season starting again.
Phil famously broke the story the last time there was an insolvency event down at Ibrox with the MSM and even Ally McCoist playing catchup. Is history repeating itself?
Rangers Liquidated in 2012 and are Now Dead.This New Club arent even close to Oldco as they havent got an EBT to stand on,Just wondering how they Expect to keep up with the Best Club in Scotland on a Financial Level…Celtic are on A Different Level to These Cretins.HH
Biggest ponce in jockville!
It’s definitely not our their fault oh no it’s those feckin tattie munching bast—ds
It’s alright ally we will edit that bit out HH
With King claiming he has no money and can’t pay the 20p for the shares then there is likely to be an issue shortly. Rangers don’t have enough money to complete the season and need more soft loans to top up on the previous seasons loses, but with less likelihood that the 3 bears will step in to throw more millions away when they might likely need those millions to buy back the club after any CVA. With the other clubs now also getting loan players from the better English clubs there is less likelihood of Rangers gaining that 2nd spot and less qualifying matches to the group stages in Europe. The 3 bears can’t seriously be thinking of throwing their money after another long odds gamble, when holding back for the CVA is the best chance for them to gain power and remove all the debt, theirs included, from the club.
If carlsberg did fans eye they would wear green and white and their will be done. Rangers extinct and the Bhoys winning the Champions league every year. Open your eyes ally your old new club is a shambles and don’t need any help embarrassing themselves and the gullibly fans.
Yep just like Oldco who blatantly cheated just to keep ahead of the Mighty Celtic.Yep its Celtics fault,Celtic are sooo Good,The RFC 1872 Dodged Taxes and Playing players with double whammy Wage packets.Yep its Selliks fault.Now this Other Club are Blaming Sellik,Yep its Oor Fault…..Its Oor Fault Sevco Are MINCE!!!!!!!
Here we go again blame blame others for the 2nd downfall of they cheating bastards at liebrox it’s the same board that killed their oldco ranjurs and it’s now they same board members that are gonna kill off newco the ranjurs 2012 and guess what Sally is blaming the Celtic fans well let me tell you ya wee fat humdrum rat bastard I heard and read all this administration on johnjames website you is a ranjurs fan sally so stop blaming us and phil cause ur club is dying again thats what happens to cheats and clubs dont pay there bills sally and as for you scum rat you fucked ur oldco ranjurs for millions kidding on you took a wage cut dirty lying scumhun from liebrox sally mccoist
So if Sevco Go into Administration,Its there own making.Just like the Dead Club that frequented The Crumble Dome.Its All the same Cheats Liars Crooks in the same Board Room.Different Turd but Rest Assured its the Same Flies.The most Vile Bigotted Shithole in Glasgow.They are that fcking Deludeid and Twisted.They point the finger of blame at the Celtic Support.lolololololol,Who would seriously believe McCoist or Fat DJ.Pair of Puppets.
Their goes that song again regrets we’ve had a few but then again too much to mention, We did what we had to do we had to cheat without resentment , We Signed (EBT’s) & We where contended, Our Chairman David Murray sold our club for £1.00 To Craigy White, Craigy Craigy White And That’s were we bears ended up in the shite, Now Celtic have taken over and Glasgow’s Green & (Whyte) White and we are suffering we are going doing back down and we can’t see the light, So Its Yo Ho Ho What Do You Know, Celtic Are Going To Do (10) In A Row, Bye Bye Ran’k’ers & (GIRFUY), I am off for some more Jelly & Ice-cream!!!
The manure he been using for his garden has killed off the remaining few brain cells he had. What next from this muppet elvis is alive and well and a season ticket holder at the crumbledome.
Being a part of the biggest fan base in the World, giving the Club Like No Other a massive head start in honours, which led to the downfall of a tax-avoiding insolvent mess into the gutter, one who in their crazy and desperate desire to challenge the best, us, to in their dreams, ensure Champions League fooba every year, which may have just kept their heads above water, and failed miserably!
My punishment? At least 10 in a row! HH!