Former Celtic captain Jackie McNamara has been tucked away in the fifth tier of English football since leaving Scotland last year.

The former Dundee Utd and Partick Thistle boss has had a rough time of it down south and the fans have revolted against the teams poor performance. There has even been a twitter page said up by York fans trying to get Jackie removed from his position. The abuse he has received from some York fans has been quite ridiculous.

With the club at breaking point, the manager and board met for crunch talks where Jackie’s fate was to be decided. Instead of a definitive stay or go from the small English outfit we got this statement.

“It has been decided that, if the team fails to gain a positive result at Braintree Town on Saturday, the York City manager will tender his resignation.

“The manager will be looking for a passionate and committed reaction from the players after the capitulation at Nethermoor Park on Tuesday evening.”

So the board in essence, has given Jackie an extreme ultimatum which I have still yet to properly comprehend.  If he doesn’t gain a “positive” result then he will be out the door? So what happens if he wins this game but loses the next six. The decision and statement is farcical and makes the board and manager stupid for agreeing to such terms.

The players are now playing for a manager they know is on the ropes and have the power to keep him in a job or send him packing. More power a player should ever have over their commander and chief.

In a nutshell, as soon as Jackie heard the terms in which the york board wanted to proceed he should have shaken their hands, thanked them for the opportunity and made his way back up to Scotland to reassess and start afresh. Instead, he may still do this but in a less than professional way. If the players fail to perform at the weekend, the manager will be sat in the dugout while the venom of the disgruntled fans is directed at him while he watches on in despair. Best case scenario, the team win and he can stay an extra week or so.

Go now Jackie! For the sake of your pride, go now!




  1. A wasted talent. Jackie had the ability to go high as a coach and manager, but as always, the Scottish media stick their oar in, making public his agreement with the Dundee Untied board on sell-ons. The media made it out to be worse than it was, turning the fans against him. He had just reached two cup finals, yet the media went after his agreement with the board on a deal which would keep United afloat. Scottish media are scum, ruining many careers in the process. They don’t care, unless of course you belong to the new club.

    • Something that every York fan would also be very happy with. Not a single person at Bootham Crescent wants him to stay other than the deluded chairman. A worse manager we have never had in our history. He’s basically con man. And telling them to shove their job up their arse’ would actually take some dignity given that it would mean foregoing a pay-off. Something that he has shown himself repeatedly not to have.

      He may be one of your own but some utterly deluded comments here that you would not have if you had been following events at York City in the last year.

      • Yes the worse manager the worse team i have seen at Bootham Crescent and to pay
        that money to see that, Well ,,i can,t seeing him or the team running a pub

  2. Quite ironic that the guy who landed at Wolves door phoning WGS with his Ultimatum now has received his own Ultimatum. Celtic made him the success he was and got no loyalty back. Karma eh?

  3. The abuse is not ridiculous. The man has proved himself to be utterly incompetent, not managing to win a single away match in his entire tenure, and only 8 at home. He has taken us from lower mid-table in League 2 to the verge of relegation to the regionalised semi-pro National League North in under a year.

    Regarding the ‘ultimatum’, if you read into the circumstances a little more you will see that McNamara himself has set the terms of it, with the chairman confirming it was entirely Jackie’s idea, NOT the board’s, so the predicament he finds himself in currently is entirely of his own making. Do not be fooled by the sob stories. At any other club he would’ve been sacked months ago.


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