CELTIC dominated the game in Dingwall on Saturday as expected but it took a little later to make certain of all three points in the end.
County were set up to frustrate from the off and be as robust as possible when dealing with the Hoops players.

It’s something we’ve grown accustomed to in the game in Scotland. Over physicality is used to try and level the playing field and when referees are so numb to it and even see it as part of our game, we get instances like Saturday where players can be in real danger.
This challenge on Greg Taylor is a potential season ender. It’s uncontrolled and dangerous, all the trappings of a straight red card.
Referee Don Robertson was absolutely correct to play advantage after the offence, and Celtic managed to stretch their lead as a result. However, once the play had ended, why Don hasn’t gone over and shown the red is beyond me.
You can play advantage and still go back and deal with the offence. The referee has deemed the tackle not worthy of any action and therein lies the problem.
It’s a theme weaved throughout most seasons. If we complain about it when we win, we’re told to move on because we’ve won. If we complain about it when we lose, then we’re sore losers. We’ll continue to call these out in the hope something is done about these sorts of challenges. If players are properly punished, they’re less likely to endanger their fellow professionals next time around.
I am sure that is the why we need VAR that was a seeding off,there will be no place for a ref to hide when VAR comes…
The same player came through the back of Taylor in the first half and nothing was given for that either. And he then injured himself when he eventually got booked trying to take Jota out.
Varadakar or not. Jota thought the wee mans tea was oot. Shocking in the extreme. Blind to pain these Obitb.
Still cringing noo. Ma bawz just disappeared.