The SPFL and SFA told everyone last week Scottish football will need a government bailout before all is said and done or our game could be in big trouble.

They cited the UK’s government bailing out Rugby Union clubs to the tune of £16m as a precedent for such a move.

However, nothing has been forthcoming to this point and former first minister Henry McLeish believes this is not a viable option for any government the way it stands.

“The image of the game is not good. To me, you cannot have a sport reaching out socially when it has so much investment from betting. That’s not for young people or people who have mental illness.” McLeish told SunSport.

It’s a sad fact but Scottish football can’t really be picky when it comes to who wants to put money into our game. To punish clubs for this reason alone would be astonishing. If nothing is done, the likelihood of some of Scotland’s long-standing clubs folding is a very real possibility.

If football with fans won’t be back for a long time, the financial sustainability for some isn’t there. It’s a pivotal time in our game’s history and the squabbling among the self-interested clubs will pale into comparison when they realise what’s ahead.


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