So Anderlecht decided to relieve their manager of his duties today, and in doing so, they have thrown their Champions League preparation for next weekend into turmoil.
Here’s why this doesn’t excite me, and it comes down to three frightening words that put shivers up the most positive of Celtic fans.
Celtic. Away. Europe.
Assemble those three words any way you like; they tend to scare rather than inspire. Such is the plight of our European away record, and the fact that Anderlecht are obviously going through a rough patch does absolutely nothing to quell my Euro scepticism.
Of course, Celtic went to BMG last season and almost came away with a positive result, so there is hope, there’s always hope, but honestly – Anderlecht could have their full first team out of action, their reserves incapacitated and relying upon their under 13s and I’d still not fancy our chances.
I joke, but I just don’t believe any current turmoil will work in Celtic’s favour and that on the night, nothing but an energy zapping, heroic performance will see us gain a win in Belgium.
I am quietly optimistic Celtic can spring a surprise against the Belgian champions, but I also know that if we don’t turn up then another away Euro capitulation will be on the cards.
Make of that what you will, but nothing has changed in my eyes ahead of the Champions League tie, new manager or not, Celtic will have to earn those points.