Ange Postecoglou has provided fans with an update on the latest transfer on-goings at the club as we approach the final week of the summer window.

As quoted by Glasgow Live, Postecoglou insisted that the club are working away behind the scenes to get some new faces in at Parkhead, but at the same time, that could be affected by the outgoings at the Hoops.

“We’re still working hard to bring in one or two., absolutely,” he said. “The tricky part about this end of window is that you don’t know what outgoings you’re going to have, which can affect things.

“We’ve got contingency plans in place, and we’re talking to a number of targets to see what business we can do.

“We still need one or two more in the group, for sure, and that’s what we’ll do.

“As for what positions, again, that will depend on who may or may not be leaving. On that front, there’s nothing really concrete that’s happened yet, so if anything is going to move, I expect it’s going to start moving in the next few days.”

Overall, Celtic fans’ assessment of this transfer window will likely be happy with what we have done so far, but possibly at the wrong time.

Currently, as we head towards the final week of the window, it is clear that Ange Postecoglou still needs a few more additions to his squad.

In positions such as left-back or central defensive and possible departures of the likes of Odsonne Edouard, which could have a huge influence on whether we decide to bring in another frontman.

Fingers crossed, we can see some movement in the next week as we gear up to continue our push to win the Scottish Premiership title back.


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