Peter Lawwell is under scrutiny at Celtic like never before. Pundits and fans alike are having their say on how the CEO runs the club.

Before anyone starts, these are concerns which have been raised while we were dominating domestically, but not many cared as long as we were winning.

What Peter and the board have done is prioritise the bottom line over the football product.

However, Peter is paid a handsome amount of money for the privilege.

We reported some time ago, the CEO’s 18/19 wage which you can read here.

This is information which is public.

Over £3.5m pocketed in total during 18/19.

This was brought to our attention again by Price of football.

To put it into more context, Ross County’s 18/19 whole wage bill was less than 300k more than what Peter Lawwell earned. The same team who dropped us out of the League Cup.

Peter has shown himself to be an astute businessman over the years, making big deals with companies and partnerships. Where he falters, in our opinion, is having too much of a say in the football side of things. From picking a manager’s coaching staff to his players.

He’s not and has never been qualified to deal with the footballing side of things. That’s why the business is skewed to far in favour of the balance sheet.


  1. The more Celtic make as a club, the more Lawwell makes. So this year he will still be quids in. Or euros, when it comes to transfers. But money not players. As they like the Hoops support. Are a commodity to him and DD.


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