We are through the looking glass now folks.
We have an ex-player who took under the counter illegal bungs along with the rest of his teammates to win titles in Scotland telling us that there would be an asterisk next to our title if the league was to be called eight games shy of the finish.
EBT recipient Alex Rae will tell anybody who wants to listen (which isn’t many) that due to a worldwide and deadly crisis, Celtic’s title would not mean as much. The former player showing a lack of class and sportsmanship in his opinion.
We all know what side of the fence Alex would be on if The Rangers were thirteen points clear at the top – his comments come out of hate for Celtic and fear of the ten.
They can’t stop it on the pitch but to discredit it off the pitch makes them feel better.
For me, it’s simple, every title that The Rangers won during the EBT years is tainted and as an asterisk next to it. However, does Alex or any of the Ibrox support bother with that assertion? Not one jot.
Before this shutdown came into play we were already hearing the usual suspects trying to discredit our nine in a row because of their club had to cease trading back in 2012 – again, no fault of Celtic’s. It’s all rather pathetic.
Rangers football club died overspending to keep up with Celtic, their whole club has an asterisk attached to it. Flippantly starting again and pretending that nothing happened, stiffing hundred of creditors is just par for the course for Alex and his club.
The sort of gymnastics one must do in their head to continue an anti-Celtic narrative while the Ibrox club put satirists out of business is quite impressive.
So Alex, if it makes you feel better, get your crayon out and draw an asterisk. Ten in a row will probably end you, but if it’s any consolation, celebrating the ten will probably end me.
Here we go ten in a row!
Maybe someone should ask Alex about season 1939/40. Having only played 5 games before the outbreak of world war2 rangers were given the title. No asterisk there but they still count it.
Wouldn’t give that wee arsehole the time of day. Roll on ten in a row. Hail Hail.
Wonder if the reformed fc. are Still keen to unveil their new striker nullen voide b4 this season finishes or just hold him for whatever season they decide to adjust the earth calendar in Scottish football, with an asterisk on his jersey , if they can borrow any left over from oldco.s glorious EBT stock “
Let’s get ready to have a party for 9 in a row. ROLL ON 10 IN A ROW. A grand old team to play for…HAIL HAIL.
Same Club(Company)FC
Will Destroy Itself trying to Stop
Ten in a Row…..
Sevco A Club Built on HeeHaw
But a Dead Clubs Tainted Successes
They Don’t Do
Walking Away
They Humiliate Scottish Football by Existing